About this Web Site:Â E Pluribus Unum
This web site is designed and maintained by a network of concerned citizens who live in the high-desert country of eastern Oregon. We grew up under Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson — a time when government was on our side.
At, or near, retirement from a variety of occupations, we’ve worked on issues ranging from nuclear weapons, to world hunger and sustainable agriculture, to the Iraq War. We are eager to see progressive values — which we understand to be the values of community and inclusiveness — applied more consistently in decisions affecting our nation and the common good.
Marshall McComb of Baker City is the editor and webmaster. We’re loosely affiliated with the Baker County Democrats, but they are not responsible for what we write here. We’re deeply impressed by the wealth of information available on the Internet on almost every subject. It’s at our fingertips (thought we do have to dig a little), a click away in the Google search box. It’s been the source of much of the information and inspiration found on this web site, along with a few other resources listed here. In addition, an essay titled “Acts of Love” by journalist and author Chris Hedges reminds us that a grounding in spiritual principles can preserve us in times of despair, can overcome seemingly insurmountable barriers, and can instill power that mere words cannot describe nor impart. We seek to follow the lead of the often-militant Hedges, who states, “To love that which should unite us requires us to believe there is something that connects us all, to know that at some level all of us love and want to be loved, to base all our actions on the sacred covenant of love, to know that love is an act of will…”
We believe that information and inspiration give us power to create effective responses as problems arise, and to go beyond immediate solutions to create positive visions and responsible policies for the future. We encourage our fellow citizens all across the country to explore the incredible resources that are available, and to join with us in this creative adventure.
We owe a great debt to George Lakoff and the Rockridge Institute for helping us find the certainty, the identity, and the words to create this web site. Though the Rockridge Institute is now inactive, its material may still be found here:
We want to repeat here George Lakoff’s tribute to liberals, a term much maligned by movement conservatives:
Liberty-loving liberals founded our country and enshrined its freedoms. Dedicated, fair-minded liberals ended slavery and brought women the vote. Hardworking liberals fought the goon squads and won workers’ rights: the eight-hour day, the weekend, health plans, and pensions. Courageous liberals risked their lives to win civil rights. Caring liberals have made the vulnerable elderly secure with Social Security and healthy with Medicare. Forward-looking liberals have extended education to everyone. Liberals who love the land have been preserving our environment so you can enjoy it. Nobody loves liberty and life more than a liberal. When conservatives say you’re on your own, we liberals know we’re all in this together.